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    Cardfight Vanguard TCG: Stride Deckset "Nightrose" [DZ-SS03] *Sealed*

    $114.99 NZD
    Just 3 left. Order soon!

    Product description

    Includes units of "Gran Blue" including "Night Foggy Vampire Princess Night Rose".
    Includes pre-constructed deck and sleeves in a short stray box!

    Set Contents:
    55 pre-constructed decks + 9 (G decks: 8 decks, 1 crest).
    1 of each new card (except G unit card) is recorded in RRR specifications.
    Each card in the G unit is recorded with SP specifications. Each of the 3 pieces are recorded with RRR specifications.
    1 Short Stray Box, 1 Sleeve (53 Pieces), 1 Fighters Coin (Paper) • 1 Energy Counter.

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