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    Lonkhe Adistakto [BT10-101] [Xros Encounter]

    $7.00 NZD

    Product description

    Set: Xros Encounter
    Card type: Option
    Rarity: Uncommon
    Play Cost: 8
    While you have a [Pulsemon] or a Digimon with [Pulsemon] in its digivolution cards in play, you may use this card without meeting its color requirements. [Main] If you have 3 or more security cards, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -12000 DP for the turn. If you have 3 or fewer security cards, place 1 of your opponent's Digimon face down on top of their security stack.
    [Security] Activate this card's [Main] effect.
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