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    Clover Hearts, Nellinea (DZ-BT05/FFR18EN) [DZ-BT05: Omniscient Awakening]

    $30.00 NZD
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    Product description

    Rarity: Double Frame Rare
    Set Name: DZ-BT05: Omniscient Awakening
    Card Number: DZ-BT05/FFR18EN
    Release Date: 2024-12-13
    Unit: Normal Unit
    Grade: 1
    Skill Icon: Boost
    Nation: Lyrical Monasterio
    Race: Warbeast
    Power: 8000
    Shield: 5000
    Critical: 1
    [AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lisciafael" in its card name, [COST][Counter-Blast 1], choose a grade 2 or less normal unit with a different card name from this unit and without sentinel from your soul, and put it into hand. You may [Soul-Charge 1]. [AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lisciafael" in its card name, [COST][Soul-Blast 2], and this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of that battle.
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